Privacy Policy

Consumer Privacy Statement

4PatientCare’s policy is to respect the privacy of the individuals who book appointments through our online booking platform. This privacy statement describes how and why we gather information from the individuals who use our platform and what we do with it.

Your personal data means any information relating to you, including your name and contact details such as your home address, your telephone number, or your email address.

Please take the time to read this privacy statement, as it is important that you understand how we use your personal data and how we protect your privacy.

If you have any questions regarding our use of your personal data, you can contact us at the following addresses:

  • Email:
  • Postal Mail: 4PatientCare, 200 West 6th St, Suite 1980, Austin, TX 78701

How We Collect Data

Our web server, like all web servers, will automatically recognize each visitor’s internet address (IP address), but this does not provide us with personally identifiable information. Our server logs will record page views and the serving of images and other files, and can associate those actions with particular visitor sessions.

Throughout the booking process, you will be required to provide personally identifiable information. When you provide us with information about yourself, you consent to our use of your personal information in accordance with this policy.

Data We Collect When You Visit Our Booking Platform

When you access our website, we automatically collect and store some of your data in our server logs and in cookies, which are small files we send to your computer when you visit our website.

This data does not allow us to directly identify you; however, it records data related to your activity on our website, such as pages that you accessed, the date and time you accessed these pages, how far in the booking process you got, information on your device (hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifier, internet protocol address, hardware settings, browser type, browser language), the date and time you booked your appointment, and the URL of the website that sent you to this booking platform.

We may use third-party advertising companies or affiliates to display advertisements on our website. These third-party advertising companies or affiliates may separately place or recognize a cookie file on your browser in the course of delivering advertisements to []. We cannot see the information collected or stored in third-party cookies, and we do not provide data about you to these third-party advertisers.

You can opt out of the collection of your personal data when you visit []. To do this, configure your browser to not accept cookies (for information, refer to the “help” section of your web browser).

If you begin the process of booking an appointment through our platform but do not complete it, we may collect and retain some of the categories of information described in the next section, depending on when you discontinue the booking process.

Data We Collect When You Book an Appointment

If you want to use our online platform to book an appointment, we will ask you to provide us with personal data, and we thank you for providing us with complete and accurate information. Please inform us, too, if your data needs to be updated. If you do not provide us with complete and accurate data, or if you do not inform us that your data needs to be updated, we may not be able to provide you with the services you requested.

During the course of the booking process, we collect the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data, including your first and last name, date of birth, gender, residence address (including street address, city, state and zip code), telephone or cell phone number, email address, the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number, and how you were referred to our site.
  • IT data, including data related to the pages that you accessed, the date and time you accessed these pages, information on your device (hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, internet protocol address, hardware settings, browser type, browser language), the date and time you booked your appointment, and the URL of the website that sent you to our booking platform.
  • Practice data, including the name of the healthcare professional or practice with whom you booked your appointment, the type of appointment and the appointment date and time.
  • Insurance Data, including the name of the insurance carrier, the name of the subscriber, the relation of the subscriber to the patient booking the exam, the subscriber date of birth, and the subscriber or group ID. NOTE: if you are not seeking reimbursement from insurance for any portion of your exam or any recommended eyewear, you can skip these sections when booking your exam, and no insurance information will be collected.

If you begin the process of booking an appointment through our platform but do not complete it, not all of the above categories of information may be collected and stored. Which information is collected depends upon when you discontinue the booking process (i.e. – close your browser or navigate to another website).

How We Use and Share the Personal Data We Collect

Using Personal Data

We only use your personal data within the limits authorized by all applicable laws and regulations and consistent with the provisions of this policy.

We do not make any decisions solely on automated processing which may produce legal effects concerning you, or similarly significantly affect you.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Appointment Booking — we use the above information to book an appointment on your behalf with a healthcare professional.
  • Messaging — we use the above information to send appointment-related messaging on behalf of the healthcare professional after the booking has been completed.
  • Website and Service Improvements — we anonymize the above information and use it to improve your experience on our website, identify and report any bugs and issues, assess the impact of changes we make on customer behavior, and analyze and improve the performance of the website and the booking services we offer. Such processes are operated for our legitimate interest.

Retention of Personal Data

The period for which we store and retain your personal data is 3 years from your last covered transaction, unless federal, state or local laws or regulations require retention for a longer or shorter period of time.

How We Protect the Personal Data We Collect

We have measures in place to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, use or disclosure, including the following:

  • We implement and maintain sophisticated technical measures to ensure that your personal data is recorded and processed in complete confidentiality and security.
  • We restrict access to your personal data and closely monitor the access, use and transfer of personal data.
  • We require all of our employees who have access to your personal data to enter into non-disclosure or similar agreements, which impose obligations on them to comply with our data privacy and confidentiality requirements.
  • We require any business partners and third-party service providers with whom we may share your personal data to comply with any applicable data privacy and confidentiality requirements.
  • We provide data privacy training on a regular basis to our employees and third parties who have access to personal data.

What Rights You Have

Under applicable data protection laws and regulations, you have the right:

  • To request access to, the correction of, and/or the deletion of your personal data;
  • To restrict or object to the processing of your personal data;
  • To require us to transfer some of your personal data (in certain circumstances) to you or a third party.

We are committed to enabling you to exercise your data privacy rights. To do so, you can contact us by email or postal mail (as detailed above). Please provide the following information when exercising your data privacy rights:

  • Your full name, address, and contact information;
  • Your specific data privacy request (in other words, what rights you wish to exercise); and
  • The date of your request and your signature (if you sent your application by postal mail).

If you do not get satisfaction by contacting us, you can lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal data with the appropriate federal, state or international data protection authority.

Changes to This Privacy Notice

We regularly review our Privacy Statement in order to make it compliant with new laws and regulations regarding data protection. Though this privacy statement may change from time to time, we will not reduce your rights without your explicit consent.